Shortly after her high school graduation in June 2022, Quincy fell from her horse. After persistent shoulder pain, she went to see an orthopedic doctor who discovered a bone tumor in Quincy’s right upper arm.
The tumor was diagnosed as stage 4 osteosarcoma that had already spread to her lungs. Despite undergoing intensive chemotherapy, Quincy’s condition worsened.
In October, she had surgery to remove the primary tumor, but a November PET scan revealed the cancer had also spread to her pelvis. Quincy underwent radiation treatment and additional chemotherapy drugs were added to her regimen in late December.
In January 2023, Quincy experienced a rare reaction to the new chemotherapy and she spent a week on a ventilator in the intensive care unit.
A few months later, she underwent surgery again to remove the tumors in her lungs. Quincy and her family’s worst fears were realized when follow-up scans in July showed the return of the tumors in her lungs. She had another surgery to remove the tumors, but they continue to grow.
Quincy, her parents, and her doctors are exploring all possible alternative treatment options through clinical trials.
Every day is critical for Quincy. She deserves a real chance at a future. And a treatment that will stop this terrible cancer.
Cancer has stolen Quincy’s freedom and abilities. She should be in college and competing with her horse Artemis. Instead, she is in the hospital most of the time and fighting for her life.