In May 1997, a week after her 12th birthday, Lyndsey was diagnosed with Medulloblastoma. Brain surgery was performed to remove the tumor the next day, but because it was located on her brain stem only part of the tumor was removed. After recovering from her surgery, Lyndsey started six weeks of radiation therapy followed by 8 rounds of intense chemotherapy.* During her treatment she was blessed to meet and share “chemo rooms” with Morgan Adams and her family.
Since completing her therapy in August 1998, Lyndsey has graduated high school, earned her Bachelor’s degree, and has had the privilege of working with the Denver Public Safety Department. But most importantly, Lyndsey is happily married and enjoying life as a stay-at-home mom to her two daughters and son. All thanks to Dr. Nick Foreman and the oncology team at Children’s Hospital Colorado!
*This plan of treatment was part of a novel study run by Dr. Nicholas Foreman and his team, and Lyndsey was the first patient to participate in the study. Because this plan was very successful, not only improving the quality of life for the patients in the study but also increasing the survival rate, it is currently used to treat majority of patients diagnosed with Medulloblastoma.