Gabriel Fawcett was in a car accident in May 1998. He and his girlfriend only experienced minor bumps and bruises, thanks to seatbelts. They were taken to the hospital for observation and CT scans as a precaution. After viewing the scans, the doctor inquired about past head injuries, seeing something abnormal on the scan. We brushed it off as an obvious mistake on the scan. They did another scan to be sure. Gabriel was 17 years old.
We were then thrust into the frightening world of cancer. We went from MRIs to neuro-surgeons to radiation oncologists and finally landed in the caring arms of Children’s Hospital Colorado and specifically, Nick Foreman and his team of angels. Nick sat us down and explained how rare the type of tumor was that Gabe had in his left temporal lobe. We braced ourselves for the most terrifying journey we would ever take together.
Though he had his moments of sadness when it seemed too hard to keep fighting, Gabriel never gave up. Nor did he lose his positive attitude and sense of humor. Gabriel died on September 27, 2005. He was 24 years old.
He lived and loved passionately. He took risks in his life that others only dream of doing. He was a snowboarder, an artist, a lover of animals, a friend to many, a brother, an uncle, a cousin, a nephew, a grandchild, a warrior, and a son. We will continue to honor his life by living ours with strength and courage. Gabriel always said, “Mom, face your fears and move beyond.” And I will.