Progress in medical research takes time — and it is only possible through funding and support of people who care.

It can be difficult to wait for results. And that’s a million times harder if you know a child with cancer who needs a treatment that works right now.

But progress IS happening. Advancements are being made this very minute in cancer research labs just down the street. Kids are getting treatments that weren’t available a few years ago. And more kids have a better chance at a cancer-free future.

All because of generous individuals who gave to The Morgan Adams Foundation.

Here are some highlights of the amazing progress MAF donors made possible in 2021:

Four new clinical trials are helping kids with cancer right now:

A first-of-its-kind atlas of pediatric brain tumor data was established and is open to the public. This atlas contains single-cell RNA sequencing data for pediatric brain tumors and is available to anyone in the research community. With both raw and analyzed data available, the atlas is especially useful for researchers who don’t have access to advanced bioinformatics capabilities.

Led by Andy Donson, current data in the atlas includes ependymoma and medulloblastoma, with additional tumor types in progress now. Check it out at

Dr. Adam Green completed a project resulting in the largest characterization of treatment-induced high-grade gliomas in the U.S. This collaboration with St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and Hopp Children’s Cancer Center Heidelberg gathered critical information about brain tumors that arise in kids several years after receiving treatment for a different cancer.

Dr. Green’s lab has generated several cell lines from these tumors, which will allow researchers to test drugs, identify pathways, and complete preclinical work necessary to get new treatments to kids who desperately need them.

Drs. Sujatha Venkataraman and Rajeev Vibhakar identified a new antigen present on diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) cancer cells. They also generated a novel antibody that targets and kills DIPG in animal models.

A new CAR T cell based on the novel antibody has been generated and early data is very promising. This groundbreaking work you’ve made possible will lead to new treatment options for kids with DIPG that are desperately needed for this universally fatal type of pediatric brain tumor.

AND, on top of all those fantastic advances, 15 families received financial assistance to ensure their child could continue receiving the life-saving cancer treatment they need.