2022 Research Funded

Thanks to the support of generous donors, 28 projects have received funding for 2022. These projects address the widest range of pediatric cancers and represent the largest single-year financial support in the history of The Morgan Adams Foundation. This groundbreaking research has the potential to change the landscape for kids with cancer. The projects are […]

Five new clinical trials for kids with cancer

Progress in medical research takes time – and requires sustained funding. Support for kids’ cancer research is critically important. Donations from caring individuals make possible studies into safer and more effective treatments for kids and teens. Without donor generosity, the good ideas doctors and researchers have would never make it out of the lab and into […]

Creating New Treatments for Kids with Craniopharyngioma

Craniopharyngioma is a type of pediatric brain tumor that typically affects kids under the age of 14 (although it also affects adults between 40-75 years). This tumor is unique in that it usually contains both solid and cyst-like components. Craniopharyngioma most often occurs at the base of the brain behind the eyes near the pituitary […]