artma exists because there are kids who are battling every day to survive.
For each artma, Patricia Mowry, the Creative Arts Therapist at Children’s Hospital Colorado, coordinates an art project with kids in treatment in the Pediatric Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders.

This year, 25 kids, teens, and young adults participated by creating a drawing of their healing character, complete with a name and a description of its healing power. Then, an artist from Glass Artists of Colorado transformed the two-dimensional design into a three-dimensional glass sculpture. The kids were incredibly enthusiastic about the project, with many saying it was the best art project they’ve ever done. Similarly, the glass artists loved making the kids’ drawings come alive through glass blowing and sculpting and are grateful to be involved.
Each of these priceless, one-of-a-kind hand-blown glass art sculptures will be available for purchase at artma 2020.
Created by: Derek, Age 15
Glass Artist: Regis Turocy, R3G15 Designs
Draig is a part human, part witch healer. He tries to do what is right in life in order to help people. Sometimes he does something simple like donate blood. Other times he sends cell-sized robots into a cancer patient’s body to kill tumors or repair blood cells. He has a fundraising organization called The Dragon Foundation. It donates to places like Brent’s Place and the Children’s Hospital.
Dragon Pig
Created by: Azalea, Age 8
This crazy flying pig has two heads and four antennae! It senses the deep, dark sadness some people have inside themselves because they are sick. When it lands on a person’s shoulder the person immediately feels better and happier.
Monster of Love
Created by: Danjela, Age 14
He says, “I give you love.” Then he gives you a big hug.
Created by: Alexis, Age 15
Glass Artist: Cary Hollenbong
This foxlike creature lives in the woods. When she sees a person who is sad or upset she uses her magic powers to cast a spell on them. That night the person will have relaxing, happy dreams. The following day the sad person is happy. I used to have a cool teacher named Laura. She inspired me because she was always happy.
The Healing Tree
Created by: Sean, Age 14
This is a one of a kind tree because it has blue leaves. When a person lays under it, it smells somewhat like lavender. The smell relaxes your body and takes pain away. Its leaves can be made into healing pills. Luckily, it blooms year-round.
Created by: Henry, Age 7
Tigy was exploring the jungle around him when a terrible storm came up. He was struck by lightning. The strike gave him the ability to talk, run as fast as lightning and heal people. When Tigy senses who needs help, he runs lightning-fast circles around them which makes them feel better. Afterward, he goes for a snack and water. He especially loves lamb chops.
Rose, The Flying Cheetah with Healing Paws
Created by: Adahlia, Age 7
Glass Artist: Cortney Boyd & Nate Steinbrink, Flux Studio
Rose’s ears sense the sound of people in pain. She flies to them in the middle of the night. To make sure a person is not afraid, Rose licks their faces. Then she puts her soft paws on the person and they feel great.
The Magic Couch
Created by: Jackson, Age 9
Glass Artist: Corey & Leanne Silverman, The Furnace
The magic couch likes to heal people when they sit or jump on him. A healing energy comes out of him that makes people feel better. He loves it when kids jump on him like a trampoline!
Created by: Toby, Age 12
Glass Artist: Jon Spicer, Spicer Glass
Finley is part fox (smart), lizard (resourceful because if he loses his tail he will grow another), dragon (can fly anywhere with his little wings), elephant (his strong legs hold him up). He can fix anything – people, objects, plants, animals, problems -simply by licking. He basically just likes to help people.
Healing Slither Wing
Created by: Cody, Age 9
Glass Artist: Graham Schroder
This is a flying snake who heals all types of people. He can sense when people aren’t healthy. He likes to surprise people by hiding, then he jumps out and shoots green healing slime on them! The slime is kind of disgusting but the results are good.
Created by: Rylynn, Age 6
Even though he is a weird snake, Snakey doesn’t scare anyone. He lives underwater and when he sees someone, he plays jokes on them. He likes to splash water and make people laugh. When they laugh, they feel better.
Sadness Reliever
Created by: Jeron, Age 11
Glass Artist: Calvin Mickle, CalM Glass
This creature has two brains. One controls him and the other controls his healing wings. His wings sense when a person is sad. They flap a healing breeze onto the person who immediately feels better.
Created by: Leland, Age 6
Glass Artist: Cortney Boyd & Nate Steinbrink, Flux Studio
Zero is a healing dinosaur. He is smiling because it makes him happy to help people. His green/pointy and white/round spikes drop out candy for kids. His healing power is in his energy is in his tummy. When people are close to him they can feel his energy and be healed. You can see that I have climbed up on his back and it made me smile!
Created by: Sarah, Age 22
Merple is not an imaginary creature. She is my real cat, who has healing powers. She has been my constant companion since I’ve been sick. I had her picture by my bed every time I was in the hospital. When I was in pain or felt angry I’d look at her and feel better. She is a furry angel.
Created by: Kallie, Age 13
Glass Artist: Corey & Leanne Silverman, The Furnace
Owelette is a creature with a couple of different powers. She can become invisible to protect herself and she also protects and heals others. When she senses that someone needs help she shoots healing energy out of her purple wing. The person feels something like water running through their body and they feel good.
Created by: Beaudin, Age 7
Eliza has a special GPS that directs her to people who need help. She flies to the person, sneezes on them and they are cured of their illness. She gets up at 3:00 AM and after a breakfast of popcorn, she drops off presents to Leukemia patients and their doctors. The presents are fun and help the doctors discover new medicines to help the patients.
Created by: Kirrin, Age 12
Ewan rises from the ashes of destruction. He gives life to all around him. He is the only one of his kind and wants to help others. He hopes to find another of his kind. The flower around him represents the life he creates.
Created by: Coco, Age 8
Stripes has several magical strengths. His tail protects him from predators and grabs things for him. When he touches things with his tail he becomes camouflaged to that thing’s color. His purple band-aide feet can touch a wound or broken bone and heal it. When someone feels sad or worried, stripes, makes silly faces until they laugh (I do that too!).
Created by: Emily, Age 12
Blobby has two superpowers. If his two tiny stingers sting you, you will have THE BEST DAY EVER. You will be optimistic forever. If Blobby licks you, your clothing will become the color you are thinking about.
Created by: Steven, Age 12
Banana heals headaches like the ones I get. He can read people’s minds and tell if their head hurts. When he knows who needs help, he goes to them and gives them a hug which helps them. Even though he looks kind of funny he doesn’t scare people because he makes himself invisible to hug! His arms are pickles so he can snack on them anytime he wants.
Created by: Tatum, Age 12
Glass Artist: Andrew Certo, Certo Glass
If Lula sees people hurting she flies to them and gives them hugs with her wings. It makes them feel happy and safe. Because Lula has bubble arms and legs. She can float as well as fly. Lula has a silly power too. She can blow bubbles out of her belly which smells like a person’s favorite food! This makes everyone laugh.
The Expressive Sunflower
Created by: Reagan, Age 6
The Expressive Sunflower lived when dinosaurs roamed Earth. It is almost extinct except for a rare few which grow in the Colorado mountains. When picked, the sunflower clicks and snaps. It emits a strange, but not unpleasant fragrance. The fragrance heals the person who picks it, but it only works on Fridays.
Created by: Ella, Age 10
The Narwhal-a-saur might look a bit mean, but he is really nice. He lives in mountain rivers but can come out on land too. His sharp teeth and horns contain healing powers. When he bites or pokes a person it doesn’t even hurt. In five seconds the person feels much better. The Narwhal-a-saur’s bright color shows the power of his magic.
Hades, The Rainbow Bee
Created by: Jayda, Age 10
Hades, The Rainbow Bee is magic. His stinger is a flower. When he stings someone, it doesn’t hurt! Instead, the flower goes inside the person’s body and they immediately feel better. Then he uses his webbed feet to massage the person’s shoulders. The rainbows on his wings get brighter every time he helps someone because it makes him happy.
Created by: Brooklyn, Age 7
Glass Artist: Cortney Boyd & Nate Steinbrink, Flux Studio
Once upon a time I had a friend named Toxie. Toxie liked to talk about his friends at the hospital and how he used his superpowers to heal. He spent his days helping people. He would touch a person with his trunk, then sneeze on them. Kind of gross! His magic boogers would heal them. He always reminded me that the difficult things I’ve gone through with my treatment will be worth it in the end.