Honoring Eli
On June 19, 2024, my son Eli turns 9 years old. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about what would have been… but do spend time celebrating him.
At the end of NYC Marathon, I figured out how running has helped me. For me, running is a celebration of how I can move, accomplish hard things, and model to my children the power of physical activity. I have decided, as long as I am physically able, that every year I will do a race in honor of all my kids. I will use this special race to raise funds for different causes, either as a charity bib or as a separate fundraiser.
In 2024, I am running the Avenue of the Giants half marathon in California. I can’t wait to run with Sequoias. I am bringing all my kids with me to take in this wonder and celebrate people being able to run.
My goal is to raise $900 for The Morgan Adams Foundation. They are a nonprofit that supports childhood cancer research and an organization that Eli is an ambassador. He always believed that research saved him. For Eli, the extra days gave him time to be with his friends and family, meet people, run, play soccer, ski, hike, camp, boat, travel, read, learn, Pokémon, play…the list was endless.
Please join me in supporting this organization to give possibilities to other kids. I hope to earmark this money to go to one of Eli’s doctor’s research projects. I will keep you posted.